The League Football of Denmark conducted an interesting experiment by gathering all the Danish football fans to a cinema. All sporting competitions and gatherings came to a halt due to the Covid-19 pandemic and all the stands will go spectator-less. So the Danish Football League decided to bring all their fans to a special cinema by maintaining social distancing. In fact, this is not the first way that they tried to bring their imagination into reality for Danish football. In Aarhus, several fans were informed to support the football teams of Denmark by watching the games through the zoom app. They showcased their love, support, and enthusiasm through virtual media.

Midtjylland is the Danish Championship leader but lost in his own field “Horsens” in the last round with a 0-1 score. It was a shame for them to lose in the match where all the arrangements of this drive-in match were done by the club Midtjylland itself. More than 8000 Football fans in approximately 10000 cars came to watch the game in the drive-in-cinema from different parts of Denmark. That was the only way to maintain social distancing across the place. The local stadium situated in Herning saw only 11milion viewers.
The viewer fans were offered free entry by the club. They were also offered fast food and souvenirs at the end of the match. Though there were a lot of discrepancies during the match, like one had to go to the lavatory along with a volunteer and some more norms to follow, overall, the fans somehow enjoyed and they were satisfied by the arrangement. The virtual spectators passed their emotions through car horns. Midtjylland has a huge fan base and is currently leading the Danish Super League. Last spring, it was Copenhagen who was ahead of the schedule and turned out to be the winner of Denmark.